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Friday 25 May 2012

the wonders of friendship

friendship is a beautiful gift ,
the brightens our lives with its special 'lift' ,
friendship help us  crosses along the way
it lightens our burdens and lightens up our day
when we've friend who really care
sorrow and disappointments are easier to bear
their championship  help us overcome fear
to strive for goals , far and near
friendship is like a soothing balm to calm you pain
it eases our hearts and help us to smile again
friendship is strenght your during time that bad
it make us feel better when we are sad
its great to have friend to share the fun and excitement
and rejoice with us in festival merriment
friendship is a part of me and you
to the rich and treasure our whole live through . 


1 comment:

  1. kawan ke?adekala kawan tu jgk yg buat kwn lain sedih...tp takpe kwn xsemua mcm tu...bguslah klau kite ade kwn yg sgt fhm kite...
